Hello there, We have created a list of the best looking blogs throughout the web, something which your site has been noted for its striking and thoughtful design, along with the hard work you put into your site. http://www.warlockmedia.com/awards-one.html We appreciate how much work and dedication it takes into keeping up a blog which others find interesting, so we would like to personally congratulate you. Kindest Regards, ClaireThis mail that we received a short while ago, took us completely by surprise, for being listed as one of the top 10 best looking blogs of 2010. It is indeed a sweet gesture by the team of Warlock Media, to have considered our blog worthy of this prestigious award. We are honored to be listed one among the top ten blogs there. More can be read on visiting the website page, The Warlock Media Awards by clicking on the image below. A screenshot of what is mentioned for Dummy Essentials is shown below. We would like to thank all for encouraging Dummy Essentials to reach for the best. Thank you, Claire.
Another Award For Dummy Essentials!
August 15, 2010 at 8:59 PM
It is great to see someone compile this! Will be surely using this later! Thx!