Make Your Laptop Last Longer Without Recharging
Battery Life,
Just a few quick tips on how to make your laptop last longer, without recharging!
1. Dim your laptop screen to minimum.
2. Avoid running too many background applications.
3. Stop using external devices if possible.
4. Hibernate instead of using the standby feature, when the laptop is idle.
5. Use the laptop in a cool environment.
6. Try not to use CD/DVD's when you want to preserve the battery for a longer usage.
If you are shopping for a new laptop, try and get as much RAM as you can afford to. Avoid using virtual memory. Get solid-state drives which consume less power than regular hard disks.
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July 27, 2010 at 4:27 PM
But in the end machine is a machine you cannot predict its performance. sometimes you do your best to save all. but outcome is zero.
July 30, 2010 at 9:00 PM
I was looking for a solution to improve the performance of my laptop.I can't thank you enough!
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