It took us to these search results.. we got all the possible results related to this blog, dummy essentials:
Now lets try a more specific search by picking up the second option from the results page. We type "Dummy Essentials + 60 Run" in the search bar and click normally as we do on Google search.
This is what we get this time: A specific search result , getting the second result to first place this time.
Now how about trying the same search by clicking I'm Feeling Lucky! this time? Lets give it a shot. So here we go: We type in "Dummy Essentials + 60 Run" and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.
And whoa! we are directed to the url for the blog which contains the matter that we are looking for. We dont need to search through the results and then go to the particular site, it takes you directly to the first link that google would have offered in the search results page! Cool, isn't it?
September 28, 2009 at 11:58 PM
We see it daily but I don't think anyone of us ever tried to find out this.