How To Activate And Enable Facebook Timeline Profile Right Now [Guide]

Today Facebook at F8 developers conference unveiled new features of Facebook that will totally transformed the Facebook. One of the key feature that were discussed at F8 was Timeline. Timeline will totally change the layout of your profile. It won’t be available for a few more weeks, only developers can access the new Timeline profile. We have just posted a detailed guide on how to get Facebook Timeline Feature in just simple steps. Facebook Timeline is only available for open graph developers and if you are not so you can become easily an open graph developer and can get the Facebook Timeline profile. Important note: - You probably don’t want to do this unless you’re actually a developer. Expect bugs. - Only you will see your timeline at first (unless you decide otherwise), but your timeline will take over your homepage after a few days. My timeline was automatically hard-set to go public on September 29th. - It seems that if you login into Facebook on another machine, Timeline gets disabled automatically on all of your machines. With that said, it seems you can get back to your timeline (but ONLY after following the steps below) by navigating to - You’ll need to have a “verified” account for one of the steps, which means you need a credit card or phone number attached to the account. Here’s how to Activate And Enable Facebook Timeline Right Now: - Log into Facebook - Enable developer mode, if you haven’t already. To do this, type “developer” into the search box, click the first result (it should be an app made by Facebook with a few hundred thousand users), and add the app. - Jump into the developer app (if Facebook doesn’t put you there automatically, it should be in your left-hand tool bar) - Create a new app (don’t worry — you wont actually be submitting this for anyone else to see/use). Give your shiny new app any display name and namespace you see fit. Read through and agree to the Platform Privacy agreement. This is the step you need to be verified for. - Ensure you’re in your new app’s main settings screen. You should see your app’s name near the top of the page - Look for the “Open Graph” header, and click the “Get Started using open graph” link. - Create a test action for your app, like “read” a “book”, or “eat” a “sandwich” - This should drop you into an action type configuration page. Change a few of the default settings (I changed the past tense of “read” to “redd” — again, only you can see this unless you try and submit your application to the public directory), and click through all three pages of settings - Wait 2-3 minutes - Go back to your Facebook homescreen. An invite to try Timeline should be waiting at the top of the page Now visit your profile page and Facebook will give you the option to switch to Timeline view


  1. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lots of great information and
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  2. Thanks dear for this great tutorial. now look of Facebook profile is great. FB Timeline will going great.

  3. I just could not rid my eyes off my profile. The ne timeline is looking just so cool.

    And a nice update from you buddy!

  4. the time is looking totally cool. i wonder what's in store for Facebook after this.

  5. Great information! I love my new new Facebook look!

    Sanyo Seiki

  6. today i read on yahoo that facebook will turn the time line in this month either you want it or not

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  7. Nice post it is common but it is also a great information for us. So thanks for this post. Brilliant.
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  8. The post is really intriguing and fundamentally well put up. Timeline will depict well the history of a person's existence on Facebook.

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